The PC Modular from Valve was delayed for two months, the Steam deck misses its chance to be a Christmas present. Thanks to the tragedy, the past two years have not been all but a series of delays and Valves Steam Deck being pushed back to 2022 isn’t even the first hardware based on the problems the Playdate handheld has had. Valve announced that the anticipated portable gaming console has been delayed until February 2022, due to the shortage of components and supply chain issues that are affecting many companies around the world. A December launch always seemed a bit sketchy, but Valve were sold out already, so if you don’t pre-order, it doesn’t make much difference. We were sorry we won’t be able to make our initial ship date. Do you really want to keep things updated? Everyone who’s pre-ordered will keep their place in line, while Valve will start to take new pre-orders in February. However, there was already concerned that some current orders wouldn’t be fulfilled until late 2022, so it could push 2023 by now. With a custom apu, built for mobile play, and built by the Nintendo Switch, the Steam Deck is a fairly powerful piece of hardware. Using an optional APU, it can be used to run any game on Steam at least a certain level. This is not just powerful but also surprisingly cheap, at just 350 for the 64GB model compared to 310 for the considerably less powerful Switch OLED model (which is quite difficult to find at the moment). Email [email protected], leave a comment below, and follow us on Twitter. More : Valve release teardown video for people who don’t need to. MORE : When you are talking about Steam Deck, the handheld can run xCloud. YVE : Steam and Switch which targeted different audiences in a single game were frequently hit 30,810s. Follow Metro Gaming on Twitter and send us an email at [email protected] For more stories like this, please read our content page.