As with many of the MMO projects we know about, we trimmed the list to the top entries we feel promises to generate the most excitement and be the titles that you’ll get to play in the new year. Now read on on as we pass down our 10 MMOs to watch in 2022 and keep on listening to those new projects to get some bonus section for all of us.

Lost Ark

Guild Wars Two: The End of Dragons.

The next expansion of the Guild Wars 2 is when there will be a title that many players like these. End of Dragons is set for February 2022 and will take on the fans’ crooks like the Canthan continent, fish, skiffs, new elite specs, and siege turtles. Turtles!

Star Wars: The Great Great History: The War of the Sith

In the past two years, which are delayed from December to February 2022, the next extension of SWTOR has a lot to do because of its longstanding time with this time of the year. Legacy of the Sith will add combat styles, a visit to Manaan’s ocean planet, and many new adventures in a far away galaxy.

Exile 2 takes the path to an exile.

It’s not quite a sequel but a complete content update, but the Path of Exile 2 is a ten-step storyline set 20 years in the current game future, 19 new ascendancy classes, a skill-based system and more. We are hoping for a beta and perhaps a release of 2022.


One of the greatest surprises and surprises we got in the past, and even it turned into one of our most anticipated MMOs, Palia has many of us hungry for more information and even a test key for that extraordinary MMO. Aside from the fact that it is going out next year, it will certainly be riveting.

Project Gorgon

We have known this quirky and inventive and indie mMO for a long time now, but its development feels like it’s over again. As far as the tunnel comes from, there is a light: This project will be fully launched in 2022. The complex work, thou psychiatry, mushroom showcasing, drief combat etc., is going to be permanently lived, lived environment.

One of the most beloved ships of the world comes from the vessel of the past.

With the release of City of Heroes, a 2022 release isn’t out of the reach of unbelievability or at least a massive open test. Given the good polish, the tightest combat and the slick promotion, we could look for a decent sleeper hit. Heaven knows that superhero fans are always clamoring for a new fox to play.

The Elder Scrolls Online chapter is available now.

With the year of Blackwood and all of its content now behind us, Elder Scrolls Online players eagerly asked us about the chapter and theme on which ZeniMax is working for 2022 and what new class or system they are about to contain. There are many speculations about that, but there is no doubt it’ll be gobbled up by the Tamriel faithful.


I really want to see a cool cyberpunk-themed MMO coming out. Corepunks has been getting our attention a while now with its scifi and fantasy mix, and we can’t wait for a beta next spring and perhaps a launch later in 2022.

The unidentified MMO is an initiative.

And more coming in 2022 and over again.

Next up, 2022, virtual reality MMO Zenith is going to be running, Dungeons and Dragons will roll out an Isle of Dread expansion in the spring, Mortal Online 2 will return kicking and screaming in January, and Gloria Victis will be coming soon. Two Universe, charging for beta subs, could launch in 2022. But wait, there’s another thing. There are lots of interesting projects that are somewhat ahead of the plan, such as DCUOs massive 2023 expansion, Warcraft-related gaming, pre-established expansions for World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft, Star Citizens eternal alpha (but at least its playingable!). Some fantasy gamers hang their hats and plans on big hitters, like Camelot Unchained, Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen and Ashes of Creation that appear promising yet haven’t reached out to release yet. Then there is the Saga of Lucimia, that was rebranded as Embers Adrift and was actually seeing progress in development. If you’re looking for adorable pixel milled materials, there are Arcane Waters and Ravendawn to go. Are you planning some superhero projects like the City of Titans or Valiance Online? Maybe a trip to Virtual Reality with Ilysia? Do you know of an idea of a gas-lamp sexy night? A journey of comfort with Book of Travels. The Wagatu Chronicles is an afrofantasy? Choose the most famous worlds in the Fracture world! Did you chew these in Profane? Is it time to travel with Into the Echo? The heart of a shaky anime is blue Protocol bliss. Dark horror with Mad World? An ancient school trip to the Alps? A freedom with death? Vampires kiss? A magic and a cool fantasy! Rogue servers featuring WildStar, Asherons Call and EverQuest Online Adventures? My friends, there are endless possibilities. Everyone likes a good list, so we aren’t different. Perfect Ten usually has an MMO topic and divides it up into 10 tasty, entertaining and often informative segments for your snacking pleasure. And always, have been cranking this column to eleven with our annual special features in the end-of-Year Eleven!