Odin, the grandfather of Norse mythology, will play the game in Dawn of Ragnarok, as Eivor embraced the meaning of the mythical character in a mythic realm. According to the description, Odin will go to Svartalfheim, the world of fire, to save his son, Baldr, and not Thor. It was said that Ragnarok became inevitable when he died of Baldrs. Surtr rescued Baldr from a huge firefighter. This expansion is set to be the biggest expanded part of the Assassin’s Creed game. Players are looking to explore a massive world that extends across the mythical nine realms, focusing on the Svartalfheim and Surtrs realm. Players will receive a Twilight Pack to purchase before time. The Twilight Pack comes with a full armor set for Eivor, a firey raven and a demonic wolf mount. The Dawn of Ragnarok is now scheduled to release on March 10, 2022, for PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.