With more than 20 years left, PC is finally coming to the same age. Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance is out now on Steam, GOG and Epic Games Store. It shadowdropped without anticipated announcement and allowed fans to play this quite different game for the new Dungeons & Dragons game. Even with the three mainline titles of Baldur’s Gate, there is more emphasis on Dark Alliance. It was born out of an old-day period where RPGs such as Baldur’s Gate and Fallout began to become mainstream. In doing that, they attempt to expand into mainstream. Although in fact Dark Alliance was well received, with positive reviews across the board. Dark Alliance differs from more RPG focussed PC titles; it has 3 preset characters to choose from. You and an enemy, either by cooperative means, can be the act of a dwarven fighter – Kromlech, the human archer, the Vahn – or the elven asher. There are various scenarios relating to the original games, as well as the usual spells and skills, and allowing you to explore combat in many ways. As well as some fans who wish to listen to the latest news, Baldur’s Gate is going to be able to visit Baldur’s Gate 3, which recently had a big update. Even as it is the biggest expansion yet, players can continue the story where the game left out, explore new areas and play with new classes and spells. The game is still in early access, with a lot of new content still in the works. Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance is now out, and can be bought for $99.