Call of Duty is a massive machine with huge moving parts spread across many games and studios, and looks to be overheating, especially on consoles. Even during the games game a few times now players have been complaining that Modern Warfare is all but broken, yet even Warzone players are facing new issues after the launch of a new Caldera game, which came just as many QA testers have on strike following layoff announcements. It is always hard to tell how widespread the bugs are, but there are people complaining about the growing problem online. One of the biggest culprits seems to be an endless loop where a number of Call of Duty games flicker between the home menu and the loading screen. Yesterday, Twitter began to enlist the players sharing the images of the situation across the Modern Warfare, Vanguard, and Warzone. We were working to fix the issue that causing players to get caught in an update loop, reads Activisions support page, where the problem is generally related to Xbox one and PS4. In some cases, games appear to be reinstalling and uninstalling games data. Activision recommended that players affected remove the cache data on their consoles. In Modern Warfare, players are having trouble getting the game to install and recognize the many data packs that need to keep it up-to-date. The subreddit has been full of complaints from people not able to play, either because of this fix, or because of other crashes, freezes and bugged match queue times. These reports are coming as players have been openly protesting for a Warzone update introducing the nigh-unstoppable holiday killer Krampus. When so many other parts of the multiplayer experience are facing challenges, players took to the comments from a recent patch announcement by Raven Software, to add him to the list. Call of Duty: #Warzone has major issues according to the surprising number of reports received by console players, wrote the modernWarzone website which collected feedback from over 35 000 players. The players in consoles complain, along with recent problem with installing and loading, about increased lag and rubber-banding. These problems are not overcomfortable to game-wide problems such as the newly bugged melee attacks which often don’t do any damage. To the horrors of modern Warfare – as it is literally unplayable – and to the fuck of the holidays – is to be absurd – said Tom Henderson yesterday, CEO of Call of Duty. Warzone Caldera is a problem on consoles too. And 0 acknowledgements have been made by Activision and its development studios. This seemingly unusually rough time comes as Activision says it’s trying to keep multiple plates spinning on the gaming front at the same time that Activision’s under fire for a couple of years of workplace abuse. The modern War, the Black Ops Cold War, and Vanguard are both co-developed and led by different studios, and also have distinct multiplayer experiences that have kept each other relevant in its own way and out of the 5 bargain bin. Add Warzone to the mix, which has a retweeting history with the previous games and is so popular that he makes five million dollars a day, and perhaps it doesn’t surprise us that the Call of Duty machine is turning up. One of the most popular lubricants in Call of Duty is quality assurance testers, dozens of whom enter their second week of strike after Activision announced layoffs for some of those who work directly on Warzone. The Raven QA team is critical to the operation day-to-day of the studios, the developers at Raven wrote at the time. The health of the studio is risky, if there is a problem in producing high quality testers’ contracts. However, the government asked the parties to accept demands, but a strike fund, so that the effort could be sustained, has already accumulated over $300,000 in funds. The labor effort and the reemergence of new wave of issues in the games are going on as most video game studios revert to a skeleton crew for the days of a break. It seems that Call of Duty gets very busy when players come in the holiday season. Activision declined to answer Kotaku’s response immediately.