According to official data and information on the United States Video Games Consumer Spread, Call of Duty has managed to continue its stance in its release month for the best-selling game for 14 years. After Warzone dominated the battle royale genre as a gaming platform, Vanguard achieved success with all its notable achievements. The month of November 2021 saw many big-name games open, but one soon began to get out on top. Compared to Battlefield 2042 and even GTA, Call of Duty Vanguard was truly able to smash it once again, as a result of its release month.

Mat Piscatella, Executive Director and Video Game Industry Advisor, released the information via Twitter. They reversed the US Video Games Consumer Spread in the month of November 2021, which showed The Call of Duty rising again for the 14th year in a row. US NPD SW Call of Duty: Vanguard debuted as the first game of November. Today became the second most popular game of 2021. It is the 14th year since the Call of Duty, a ranked highest-selling game of its first month. Mat Piscatella (@MatPiscatella) December 13, 2021. They also revealed that Call of Duty: Vanguard is the second best-selling game of 2021 to date [December 13, 2021]. Wherever Vanguard came to prominence, Battlefield 2042 came second in top of the list in December 2021, a surprise as the two franchises remain among the popular FPS games in the industry.

Every map ranked worst to best.

This is a great news for the developer of Call of Duty Vanguard, as it wouldn’t be ideal if Vanguard became the installment that broke the franchises winning streak. Players continue to enjoy the Multiplayer games. The Campaign received strong reviews so the hats went to Activision and Sledgehammer Games. Take action on the Call of Duty program. Image Credits: Activision.