If it’s a long time, Snapchat wants to release the list that it will release annually, so that the lenses of Snapchat’s recent creation, exploration and learning change the way Snapchatters created, played and developed their ideas into a different world. We’re impressed by the creativity and technical effort of our community that has led the Snapchatters to a rousing appetite for augmented reality, said Sophia Dominguez, one of the founders of an AR platform alliances. Levis and Snapchat collaborated this past year by creating a Double Portal lens that enabled users to virtually try on a customized Trucker jacket, whereas Tim Hortons and Snapchat collaborated to create a custom lens that helped spread awareness about the Smile Cookie initiative of Tim Hortons. Those efforts are made by many local charities and organizations across Canada. You can find a full global lens analysis here by Snapchat. Image credit: Snapchat Source: Snapchat.