Crysis 3 Remastered 1.02 Update Notes:

PlayStation 4

It was made to order stability. Various art & restoration, fixes, etc. Added new difficulty when confronting a child, in addition to the difficulty of setting up a post-human-warrior. A bug was fixed when CELL soldiers left one moment at the time of the search. Fixed a bug after death when the bow model became invisible and restarted the checkpoint. There’s a missing list of assets on the buggy. Fixed a problem with missing assets and missing stickers from Captured Bravo.

Xbox One

General improvements were made to stability and performance. Increased performance, There are no different kind of repairs. Added posthumans traumatic life, difficulty in estimating the incidence, and difficulty in raising the score, A problem arising from audioclipping occurs at 100% in the play volume setting. The CELL soldiers were stuck in a single point during searching the player. Immediately after death, the bug became invisible: After the death, the bow model became reset and a checkpoint became redetailed. Fixed a bug in the buggy where the key has been missing. Fixed an unexpected bug with some of its missing assets and stickers from Captured Bravo.

Source: Reddit.