Red Candle Games announced on March 19 that something was in the works, but did not reveal anything about that project. The developer only pointed out that it wouldn’t be a horror game like its previous releases. That company is known mainly for detention and devotion. Nine Sols is a hand-drawn 2D action platformer with Sekiro inspired combat,” Red Candle Games indicated. “Bearing in Asian fantasy; wander the land once home to an ancient alien race; and follow a vengeful hero’s quest to kill the nine Sols rulers of a forsaken realm.” The GOG’s devotion from the West is purely morally scolded. New Kunlun, the Last Sanctuary for the Solarians, remained quiet for centuries. In that vast realm, ancient gods left the mortals with a promise that is forever protected by sacred rituals; with most still unknown lies that is the truth of the world. Every moment, a human child awoke Yi, a long forgotten hero from the past. Red Candle Games has the intention of providing an immersive action platformer that fits all the modern standards. Follow Yi on his vengeful quest against the nine Sols, formidable rulers of this forsaken realm, and remove any obstacles you might encounter in Sekiro-lite manner. Explore the unique Taopunk setting that blends Cyberpunk with Taoism and far eastern mythology. Enlighten the mystery of an ancient alien race and learn the fate of mankind. Nine Sols will have “Sekiro-lite combat” where you slash, deflect, charge, and blow enemies. Fights combine fast, brutal action sequences with traditional platforming mechanics. You face “ancient guardians and gruesome creatures in boss fights. Try to keep the best of any one move of your arsenal, take Yis to defeat those bigger than life figures, Red Candle Games recommends. Nine Sols will explore and character interactions. Red Candle Games invites you to pass into the interconnected regions of New Kunlun where you can discover secrets and describe your story behind Yis revenge. You can meet people who are in the world and interact with them to gain a boost, gain new abilities and find a useful technology. The release date hasn’t yet been announced and we have no information on the platform.