The developer discusses the concept in a new Steam site, which contains some cryptic hints about the new features of a series. Also, there is a detective story called The Odyssey. The whole atmosphere might not match the whole vibe as if it was to walk the players to the new content. ZA/UM has advice on how to find right threads to pull in the Electronic/Disco Elysiumupdate.

It’s perhaps worth a while to admire the scenery. As much as it sounds, the hot coastal waters wash up the lost water. Knock, knock, lieutenant, knock.

There is a picture with a nice hint on your detective brain. It’s been a while for some of us, but it still hasn’t been. It’s not easy to be the best-worst investigator on the field. This isn’t quite a newbie, so you can buy something new from the book: The End Cutis!! Besides, ZA/UM worked hard with Remedy Entertainment and the publisher 505 Games to sell a special ControllerxDisco Elysiumbundle for sale. These two games are very good at the cost of money. Disco Elysiumis is still a game I think about, a game I recall the most regularly. Whether it be in love with its beautiful world or not, the way it turns the imagination of thoughts and ideas into a role-playing system, or just that trumpet that goes out over the water as you walk outside, the way it moves you from the outside lingers. It is still easily one of the most compelling role-playing games you could find on the PC, and a little sense of Jamais Vu may be the reason for you to return. I haven’t yet played a multi-level hoc game.