The KIXEYE, where War Commander is a king, received a massive December update that will certainly offer players tons of reasons to fly. As the latest game mode, we are adding a lot of new features, but special events, a new ship and the limited time limit discount.

The updated December list is complete.

DOMINION Battle Feed DOMINION Leaderboard A DOMINION-FOB has the authority to compete in Dominion-controlled battles. DMINION lets players enter threatened zones. The new equipment for the Allied Bombing Unit Griffin was upgraded to the 58th tower. For the fourth grade, 8 new equipment units get upgraded to 10 units. The Alliance’s event on December 11th allows players to rank up and get a powerful resource payout. The Grim Winter Sales Event is going to run from November 23 to January 3 in 2022.

To compete in games based on skill. This new game mode replaces one-vs-one alliance control points with multi-target King of the Hill style wars in which many alliances can battle a multitude of alliances simultaneously to capture battle zones in their own way. Battle Zones give you exclusive access to Battle Zones and battle buffs for your whole Alliance. Capture battle zones by moving your alliance headquarters to the battle zone in order to win the countdown timer. The battle zone is the entire alliance of your timers.