“Pasitivos” first SRV (that is Surface Recon Vehicle, if you’re wondering) is coming in 2016, as part of the game’s Horizons expansion. Horizons made life easier and created a planet, with the exception of the first SSRV, the obscene creature that released long before the Odyssey expansion introduced on foot – was an integral part of the puzzle – so players can travel outside their ships. Six years passed without new options for buggy fans, but everything has changed with the latest update from Elite Dangerous. Until now, if players have the space sim’s Odyssey expansion on PC, they can buy a new Scorpion SRV, only available from military companies, and which provides two seats in an alternative to the original Scarab. A Master of the Old Orient: Odyssey, Introducing the XXXIII. Frontier says the Scorpion is designed specifically for infantry in ground-based combat and uses the rapid-fire Surge Repeater as a weapon. It increases its accuracy and speed of fire for longer than its operation, plus the Aculeus Launcher. The rest of the update about the Odyssey – its ninth major post-launch release – is a whopper. There is also a new multi-loopet controller and the chance of gaining access to mission-providers at settlements. However, those additions are greatly accentuated with the sheer number of bugs and improvements in performance and stability that the update brings. However, given the disgraceful mess the 40 Odyssey expansion had in when Frontier management opted to get it back in the door in May (the release is still desperately trying to claw its way back from a Negative user rating on Steam), it’s at least reassuring to see improvements coming, even if the unwieldy notes of each subsequent release suggest the update launched at least six months too soon. There aren’t, for any reason, signs of a release, but Frontier admitted that sales of Odyssey were “more muted” than expected a trading update last month. The first time that Odyssey was scheduled to be launched for the PlayStation and Xbox end of the year, but Frontier announced it will postpone the console indefinitely following the unproductive reception on PC. “We know that the work that we do to improve the players’ experiences of the elite Dangerous Odyssey on PC will benefit other platforms in the future,” Frontier told players at the time, “but the dates and details of the console platforms will change.”