How did famous consul / Cato the Elder put it once? Ceterum, Expeditionem Expertam, etc. (I think Expeditions should be shown in the long run). And who are we to lose our opinion? On December 17th, 2021, a playable demo for Expeditions: Rome will be available on Steam. You can start with the new acuidade “Gurtis”, on the first of the Greece campaign. Moreover, you can play one more hour of gameplay, or even if you are a great Roman Legatus, or if Expeditions: Rome has what it takes to be named your favorite cRPG. The game has a new date for January 2022 after a short introductory month. With the cash out, the game can be pre-owned for 20% off on Steam. It’s usually $44.99 but with the discount, players can buy it for $3.99. It seems to be a great time to get inside. Watch the expeditions: Rome Steam page to learn more.