Call of Duty vanguard has turned heads for the most uninterested fans right now. It seems obvious that a lot of fans were disappointed with Vanguards reveal and very few were excited to return to WW2. But now that the game’s finally here, it’s clear that Vanguard has plenty of things to offer this year. Unfortunately, fans are certainly disappointed in the Vanguard Zombies mode! And without the game going on, we can see why. Activision We have new news about War of the Dead Zombies map, which sounds much better.

How to get the Vanguards out of Zombies Weapon Camos Fast Dark Aether & more!

If you want to unlock the Vanguard Zombies weapon camos as quickly as possible, here is what you need to do.

First, start in the game of Vanguard Zombies and take the gun you want to complete the Challenges for. Be part of the first round. When you are out of the transpondered area, just escape the Orb of the ethers rather than take it to the destination. This will bring about a roaring spawn on Zombies, thereby avoiding easy kills. In Harvest, the failure to deposit Rune Stones and then the universe’s fullest zombie spawn, will also bring infinite zombie spawns. From here, you can make your Vanguard Zombies safe and unlock your Dark Aether faster.

One can remember that the green Vampire Dark Aether camo does not actually look very good. Many fans are disappointed with the appearance, and we must agree. On the other hand, the Atomic Weapon camo seems to be fantastic in Vanguard. It’s worth the struggle! But be warned, Zombies fans. A new bug has caused vanguard players to get a permanent ban merely for playing Zombies. And thats ironic given the fact that cheaters already appear in Vanguard, and so they get away with that. Thanks to YouTuber Caspahz for sharing this method to quickly unlock Dark Aether in Vanguard Zombies. Check his video guide below.

The Guardians are all men, don’t miss these!

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