Before start in thelaunch, Naoki Yoshida producer and director explained that in spite of the global semiconductor shortage, Square Enix couldn’t purchase any new servers for the game. The server was chubby, and before it launched, Square Enix said goodbye to players and offered free game time, due to the long queue times. As we do, there is something left to see now. In a recently published update, Yoshida explained that the server congestions have been so bad, that all new sales of Final Fantasy 14 are now being suspended temporarily and Square Enix is focused on the current situation. This includes all physical purchases, digital purchases and even free trial for new players. Because of the large number of play hours that significantly surpass our server capacity, and especially during peak times, players are having trouble due to the high level of complexity, so we decided to suspend the sale and delivery of Final Fantasy 14 Starter Edition and Complete Edition, Yoshida writes. And while those with active membership are prioritized to take a chance to log in, Free Trial players don’t have the ability to log in outside late-night and early-morning time, therefore we will temporarily suspend new registrations for the Free Trial. Over the next few days, our retail partners will be making progress with these temporary suspensions. We are coordinating with them so quickly as possible. Please remember that this will be a gradual process. Of course Square Enix does suspend all advertisement for the game. Which makes sense, even when you won’t be able to purchase it in a foreseeable future. Yoshida writes that we are also stopping all new advertisements. However, it will not be possible to suspend some of the advertisements due to their nature. We appreciate your patience and understanding in this issue. Besides, existing players can download the collection with a digital copy and buy the expansion. To those who were invited by their friends and family who have already accepted me to join us, as well as our retail partners, we apologize for any inconvenience that this might cause and ask for your understanding and cooperation in order to reduce congestion, Yoshida writes. We’ll keep on to monitor the situation as it goes into consideration the timing of returning to the market. The problem is obvious, too much success is an excellent problem for Square Enix, but in the end they’ll be hoping to help the king in the quickly, as soon as they can. Of course, this isn’t the first time that something along these lines has happened. In the same year, Final Fantasy 14 was very well sold out, with servers being congested even around that time.