Amber: Playstyle and skillset of the character
Amber Amber has a 4* Pyro Bow which is a Lepus-like character. SHORT/DOXE. TYPESHIPPEDANODEROPERATIONPerform up to five consecutive shots with a bow. Sharpshooter Charged AttackPerform a better shot with increased DMG. The flames will accumulate on the arrowhead while aiming. A full-charged flaming arrow will damage Pyro DMG. Sharpshoot Plunging AttackFires off a shower of arrows at the right side, suffocating the air with sharp trembles that ringed by a pound before falling off a surface, bringing damage of AoE DMG. Baron Bunny continually tames the enemy and draw their fire.Bonnys Max HP scales with Ambers.Try destroyed or when timer expires, Baron Bunny explodes, dealing with AoE Pyro DMG. Hold Hold Baron Bunny’s throwing direction. With the long button, the bigger the roll is,.Fiery RainElemental BurstFires off a lark wall, all dealing AoE Pyro-DMG, continuing.
Ambers Passive
Every Arrow gets its target by 1st Ascension Passive.
Relatives to the pig population, and adds to the swell.
Fourty point per shot of six:50.
Aimed Shot strikes on weak spots increase ATK by 15 for 10s.
Utility-passive Gliding Champion.
The reduction in Stamina consumption for the party members will increase by 20%. Not stackable with Passive Talents that have exactly the same effect.
Priority talent upgrade: EB > ES > AA & EB > EZ & EB > ES & gt; AP.
Ambers Constellations
LevelNameEffect1 One Arrow to Rule Them allFires two arrows per Shot. The second arrow deals 20 % of the first arrows DMG.2Bunny TriggeredBaron Bunny, new and improved! One hand-detonates the foot of the Bunnys with a fully-charged Aimed Shot. With manual detonation, the ten0% increase in DMG.3It Burns!Alsasing the level of florida, 33%. The maximum upgrade level is 15.4 % Not just Any DollDecreases Explosive Puppets by 20%. Add 1 extra charge!4Its a sonic pawn!5 Increases the level of Explosive Puppet by three yen. The maximum upgrade level is 15,6WildfireFiery Rain increases all party members Movement SPD by 15 cents and ATK by 15 cents for 10s.
Special dish
A championship of the outriders is seen by slack. Each character in the Genshin Impact will have a special dish. Ambets specialty dish is Outriders Champion Steak. It revives a character, restores 10% of Max HP then restores 150 HP. One side is obviously uncooked. The other side smells a slight smell of something burning. Close your eyes and have a big mouthful, only to make Amber happy if nothing else is possible.
On track for Amber in Genshin Impact.
The smear of the zombies + the unfavorable smatters (subdivisions) (Sf. hush) and the the bears of the obligance (FsdD) are 2pcs of the aristotle, either. The Wanderers Troupe 4sql. I wrote the book “Crush” in 4pcs (C4). Poule flame 2pcs + Blood-stained 2pcs (BiS)
Artifacts stats
ArtifactsSubtroHPCR=CD>ATK>ER>EMPlumeATKCR=CD>ATK>EMSandsTrepp%CR=CD>ATK>ER>EMGobletPyro DMGCR=CD>ATK>ER>EMCircletCR/CDCR=CD&g Try to keep a ratio from a CD to a CR ratio 1:2 so you get the best results possible.
All materials are required for the ascension of Amber.
The materials used to be used in this Genshin Impact Amber Guide will look at the material needed for the ascension of Amber from level 1 to level 90. OnexAgnidus Agate Sliver168xSmall Lamp Grass18xFirm Arrowhead30xSharp Arrowhead36xWeathered Arrowhead46xEverflame Seed9xAgnidus Agate Fragment9xAgnidus Agate Chrunks6xAgnidus Agate Gemstones420,000MoraExperience 414 Heros wit, 13 Adventurers XP, 22 Wanderers Image via WorldofTevyat.
Talent Upgrade for Amber.
The materials are necessary to improve talents from level 1 to 10. As we provide materials for 1 of those talent, we multiply everything by 3 by 1 in order to find three talents. Three XTeachings of Freedom21 XGuide to Freedom38 XPhilosophies of Freedom6 XFirm Arrowhead22 XSharp Arrowhead31 XWeathered Arrowhead6 XDvalins Sigh1 XCrown of Insight 1 652,500Mora XLittle XGeorn 1862 XV.
Is It Good for Amber With Shots?
Amos is in the position of a Bow (BiS) Thundering pulse Skyward Harp High-opacity doubles (as good as highest) Hamayumi One-handed (4* resonance) Ally Hunter (* BAS does not show any reaction) The violescent hunt is underway.
Related Genshin Impact Jean Guide: The best weapons, artifacts and materials you need for ascension, please. Have you seen our guide on the silver in terms of nitroshin impact? Let us know in the comments below. For more Mobile Gaming news and updates, join our WhatsApp group,Telegram Group,Discord server. Please follow us on Google, Instagram and Twitter for a quick update.