The controversy started over the weekend after two of Hasan’s moderators were banned from using “cracker” as a pejorative in the chat. Several were surprised to find out that Twitch deems “cracker” as a racial slur. Twitch isn’t making the public list of slurs, and most Hasan’s followers considered the term more archaic than offensive. This article was related to a remark: How Jessica Blevins transformed Ninja into a professional brand. The term “cracker” dates back to the 1700s, and is often used to describe poor people living in rural areas. For most of the world, it’s never been considered an act of greed. Only during the Black Power movement of the 1960s the term “cracker” came with a pejorative meaning, but it never reached the equivalence of more racist-based slurs. Hasan leaned into the cracker from the beginning. He gave out a ban from Twitch beginning December 13 as part of a Facebook account. According to Hasan, “Yes.” Idrool abuse for using the term “cracker””. We don’t know how long the ban is going to last. Twitch has long history of racism. In the past year, there have been multiple cases of hate raids against people of color where their chats became flooded by wild slurs all spewing racist slurs. Twitch has just recently enacted policies and tools to protect minority content creators, and even attempted to punish some of the worst offenders. Yet as David Ahmad notes in the letter, Kinda wilds how Twitch responded faster to this absolute non-destructive problem than the actual racism facing the POC streamers on the platform.