In The Interception: How Jessica Blevins put Ninja into a professional brand. The ban caused a lot of controversy due to Twitch’s inconsistent methods of dealing with racist, hate raids and harassment against minority streamers. Many streamers protested Twitch’s lack of action and went live. ADayOffTwitch saw 5000 fewer livestreams and half a million fewer viewers than the day earlier. Twitch put a verified chat mode in which users have to confirm their mobile and email addresses before they can participate in a chat with these filters. It should help some people. Twitch filed legal action against two users for “targeting black and LGBTQA+ streamers with racist, homophobic, sexist and other harassing content”, so the day off protest seems to have caused some change. Since it’s true that Twitch would like to keep every race’s insult on its platform, it would help to create a system which would help the creator to know where the line is drawn, if they had clearer guidelines that were more consistent enforced. In other news articles, Ludwig was snubbed on Twitch’s 2021 recap. The streamer recently moved to YouTube. That seems to be the result of a retaliation from Twitch – without mentioning him in fans’ end-of-year statistics. The organization launched a three-A videogame studio, Midnight Society, with former Army and Call of Duty veterans.