The Red Devils scored two goals in three minutes. In the 19th minute, Marcus Rashford opened the scoring by converting Christian Eriksen to the second-choice. After Rashfords’ help, the Frenchman Anthony Martial doubled his team advantage now in the 22nd minute. In the first half, Nottingham striker Willy Boly equalised the match, but the goal was canceled due to offside. The ex-player of Shakhtar Donetsk, Fred, ended the match in the 87th minute after his pass. It’s interesting to find out how long the teams met each other in 1999. Then Manchester United beat Nottingham with a score of eight. Football Championship in the United Kingdom. 17th round Manchester United 3-0 Nottingham Forest. Goals: Rashford 19, Martial 22, Fred 87. Signing out of Old Trafford in 2022 with a W! #MUFC || #MUNNFO – name-name! Manchester United (@ManUtd) December 27, 2022 This time of year is not a “no-no-good-nature” attack. Leeds Football Club (@Nahr) December 27, 2022