As per @PlayStationSize over on Twitter, the download size ofHorizon Forbidden Weston the PS5 without a day one patch will be 96.35 GB. The page, in the past, was very reliable in terms of download size statistics for games, but as the tweet pointed out, games are sometimes listed as a lot smaller than they end up being – although a few months of time now is still waiting for the launch. Regardless of the way it happens, this one needs huge space. In the tweet, a pre-load forHorizon Forbidden West will begin on February 11 a week before the games begin. There’s no word yet on what version will be the size of the PS4 versions, although likely in the days and the weeks leading up to release. Horizon Forbidden Westis out for PS5 and PS4 on February 18th. Horizon Forbidden West (TP5) (forbidden West) (PS5). Download Size: 96.350 GB* (By Day 1): 9.00 (An update to the first day)
- Some Games on Database have a bigger size than on Console (10-20 GB). Anyway, still 070 GB! Pre-Load : 11 February Launch : 18 February. The #PS5 #HorizonForbidden West @Guerrilla is a #post. PlayStation Game Size (@PlaystationSize) December 21, 2021