It all shows Steamcharts, the interactive system that tracks a game’s performance on Steam. Since the release of the game began as early as the first time in a row, a GTFO has now been fading steadily since its peak in December of 2019. Some jumps coincided with major updates, but the biggest of them all was probably the one that happened on Thursday, when the developer 10 Chambers announced that GTFO was getting its 1.0 release. For those who haven’t tried the nymphometer, that’s a co-op shooter when players try to create an underground complex to retrieve new technologies for a mysterious entity that only appears to be the “guard” of the land. You play as one of four prisoners sent to The Complex to retrieve a witty, locked-handed item, the sleeper possessed, so everyone must steal the thiefs to run through, so they wouldn’t wake the ravening people. Of course, it is very unlikely to achieve the impossible without triggerting the vague alarm. Often you’ll see yourself fighting the battle with very limited numbers of bullets. The GTFOs launch trailer describes the gameplay of a dark and desperate way. Check it out if you didn’t stay up late for watching the game at The Games Awards. The Game Awards had plenty of other announcements, but as far as you want, Slitterhead will probably be the most popular game. When he’s done a new adventure with Tom, the creator of Silent Hill and Siren, the adventure follows on.