Since its debut in 1991, the franchise has passed over nine hundred million units worldwide. It is the largest crossover franchise in its history that has managed over 274 different IPs. This is the largest number of IPs ever included in a JRPG series. Super Robot Wars 30-28 appeared on the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Switch, despite the fact that the west only received the PC version. Having said that, you can still import it from South East Asia if you like to play on consoles with English subtitles. If you don’t understand the game, read the official description below and read the latest trailer in English. Almost 30 years later, the battle for the future of the world is over. Super Robot Wars is a tactical RPG that brings together characters and robots from various animes, to fight their enemies. Players will follow characters through adventure and battle. Take control of giant robots on a battle map, giving them the power to defeat their enemies. The battle lands in another phase. The player moves to take his turn, and the squander is raging. The game passes through an Intermission after all enemies were defeated. During the intermission, players can use the resources earned in battle to train pilots, upgrade robots, and earn bonuses for their army. They can then begin the second chapter of the adventure. In Super Robot Wars, players have a unique experience, combining all-star mecha series crossovers, action-packed attack animations and the chance to upgrade your favorite machines and pilots.