Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page: About As a pledge to the dying Master, the young swordsman Hiroki sworn as to protect his town and a loved one against a threat. Faced with tragedy and duty, the lorry must travel beyond life and death and become a choice amongst his enemies and decide the path to recovery. Key Features

Cinematic Objects In the spirit of classics samurai film, you can experience the experience in transforming up to the world of life from the beginning. Stylish Combat Engage innocent people & supernatural beings with a simplified combat system based on the traditional weapon of the samurai. Mythic Storywriting Experience is an anthology of Hiroki, by whom he fell in love with the forces of evil, and who finally fulfilled his failed pledge to protect the people he promised his son to protect. A sound-smart: thrilling action and somber moments are set against a memorable score designed to be authentic to the time and place of feudal Japan.

Trek to Yomi is planned for Xbox 5, Xbox 3, Xbox 1, and PC via Steam in 2022. Watch the trailer below.