As many fans know by now, Call of Duty: Vanguard took fans back to World War II. The setting on which on duty were rarely seen since the past year’s Call of Duty. The Sledgehammer Games put the ante on Vanguard, as the main protagonists were created by real-life heroes of the second world war. Check out our original characters, so you can see them all.

Call of Duty: Vanguard | Story Trailer.

From BridTV5706Call of Duty: Vanguard | Story Trailer

Call of Duty: All the Vanguard Campaign Characters and Castings.

Although Call of Duty: Vanguard has a long list of characters and cast members, four main characters are responsible for the campaign. The Sergeant Arthur Kingsley (played by Chike Okonkwo) was named Kingley. Arthur Kingsley is the leader of Task Force One and came from the Douala region of Cameroon. Kingsley also attended the University of Cambridge before enlisting in the British Army. Players will discover that Kingsley is a natural-born leader, but also like his teammates, and constantly battling the idea of slipping into traditional patterns of the British Army. Marine Agent Jadeado, President Y.M. Polina Petrova was born and raised in Stalingrad and is a simple soldier to defend her country. She is a small person who rarely speaks words and doesn’t say any more. Petrova is an ideal sharpshooter, using her family’s skills so she could become a soldier. Petrova is driven by the desire to make that dream, free of nazi invaders, happen again and do whatever it takes to make the dream a reality. Private Lucas Riggs (Played by Martin Copping) Riggs was born and raised on a sheep farm just outside of Melbourne, Australia. Having worked as a farmer and collected wool while growing up, Riggs was reluctant to come to work. Riggs is a very noble guy but to his enemies is an extremely good warrior. Lieutenant-in-class Wade Jackson (played by Derek Phillips) One of our friends is John Jackson from Brooklyn, New York. Jackson is often described as a rebel and always leads the fight. He can also enjoy a little adrenaline, but when he found a love of speed when he was a young age, he began to do so with his hobby in a joyriding car with his friends, he became a military cadet and started working in a dive bomber. For more details on their cast and character, visit the Call of Duty page.