Photo Credit: Photo by Toby Scott, SSOPA Images and LightRocket, via Getty Images. Audioplayer loading. Pirates are widespread threats to humanity. The proliferation of the software developers and companies is just about the apocalyptic risk, which carries far from the developer and companies much better revenue, but also leaves end users to scurvy dogs. No one knows more about the effects of piracy than Microsoft. Over the years, users have used illegal copies of Windows and Office. It’s a losing battle, but instead of trying to fight those using illegitimate software, Microsoft seems to be trying a different approach: dangling a carrot to users instead of forcing users to walk a plank. Goes is reporting that users with pirated versions of the popular Office software suite receive discounts of 50 per cent off a legit version. The attempt to steal pirates’ online office 365 suite is a comparatively real issue. Since the offline version is likely to be pirated, curiously drew up to see whether Microsoft can be effective in teasing many users towards legitimate bounty, since they use it for free and may be reluctant to register for a Microsoft account at all. Some people want to own their software and not deal with software as a service subscription or worry about big brother. How are we in the new OS? What is Windows 11 installed? Safe and safe. What should you know before upgrading? It must be noted before downloading the latest versions. Windows 11 – Microsoft’s strict security policy. That offer seems to only be available in certain markets. In Australia, you see no offer and no discount for my legitimate Office365 subscription. If I’d open the coffers, I’d have opened the coffers. It is not for me that I want to hornswoggle Microsoft, since it’s only a hobby to redownload it, just because I’ve got it right to check. With Google docs and open source alternatives like LibreOffice, it’s still unclear whether Microsoft will actually make a dent in piracy or attract users to its products. Do we see anyone and everyone else swoop at these? An affordable Adobe Suite would be nice, aye? Oh, that loot that’ll probably have to remain buried.