However, there are lots of survival games which all have the same mechanics as Ark, and studios Wildcard and Snail Games said their analysis of Myth of Empires revealed hundreds of class, variable and function names shared between the two games. That was enough to slander Valve into removing Myth of Empires from Steam so as to avoid liability. Angela Game responded to the allegations from last week’s social media and promised to talk to Valve to get Myth of Empires relisted on Steam. Now learning that communication includes a lawsuit filed in California against Studio Wildcard and Snail Games for lying to the truth that Myth of Empires flied and slammed for lost sales. In court documents obtained by FalloutMMO and Eurogamer, the suit mentions the letter received by Valve that alleges Myth of Empires was built by: (1) stealing the Ark Survival Evolved source code and (2) using the stolen source code as the.s. Angela Game says these accusations are false and result in monetary damages to the studio. The suit claims that Studio Wildcard “no material or substantial quantity of Myth of Empires software code, but attaches a document that, by way of a means, presents very small ‘names’ to make the basic operations of Myth of Empires so simple as it says. ” Angela Game is seeking jury trial in order to issue a warrant of non-liability for infringements of rights, thiefs and criminal rights. The studio is also seeking damages for lost sales, as well as lawyer and legal fees. The studio’s Wildcard and Snail Games haven’t replied yet.