Credit: Idea Factory. The animated film “Neptunia: Sisters and Sisters” is created in a vibrant world of Gamindustri. The dungeons throughout the land seem to be a dangerous enemy and attempt to defeat a mysterious, new phenomenon that threatens life itself. Become the god of the four gods who live in the world through their first adventure. As the Goddesses were waiting for the distress call from the far-away PC Continent, Nepgear and the other candidates were sent to an abandoned research facility, which could investigate an influx of monsters. When they realized that they are seated in the center of the sanity, they were trapped in a capsule and were then placed in a slumber. They were surprised when they discovered two years had passed. When they come to work, they realize that Neptune has missed her attention since she met the PC Continent two years ago, and in the absence of her Goddess and Candidate, the Planeptune suffered a lot of strange issues known as the Trendi Panomenon. Suddenly finding herself robbed of his family and home, Nepgear gets the greatest challenge she has ever faced. I’m a story about wanting hope after being given hope by the discontent and the blessing of a Goddess by a storm.