The module will introduce a new adventure zone, brand-new grappling hook traversal mechanics, which never existed before in Neverwinter, a new 10-player trial featuring the grand return of Valindra, new heroic encounters, an Enchantment and Refinement overhaul, and much more. For the first time ever in Neverwinter, players can zip around specific, designated areas of the Dragonbone Valley adventure zone with a new grappling hook, making exploration even faster and more epic than ever. In the phase of the module campaign, players will receive this tool to train and explore all the areas on the market, with some places offering story events and rewards. Who want a deadly challenge, they can take on Valindra and the bronze dracolich, Palhavorithyn, in a new 10-player trial, the Crown of Keldegonn, and complete new heroic encounters to earn diverse rewards. Besides, this module will include a Enhancement of Customs and Refinements overhaul to add to the quality of life and all the new enchantments. Players also participate in the season’s Winter Festival. Twilight Tor will once again be host to merry-making adventurers. For those of any age who want to learn more, the Twilight Run enables adventurers to run a ski across snowy mountains. If you don’t like racing, you will catch a few people: Ice Fishing! Can you dance for a bit in style? The monsters run in the winter’s park! Stop the evil evil of The Monsters on Ice and protect the citizens of Twilight! With the stunning wintry skies of Twilight Tor, players will stargaze and gain buffs! Finalized adventure groups can go round and release Gifts of Simril for a lightshow that is thrilling and challenging. These gifts contain Lights of Simril, Fortune and Starlight Bags which are character bound versions of Starlight Parcel rewards. Some of the rewards include:

Starlight Parcels carry a number of winter rewards and items from past events, including thrones, companions, clothing and more! Winter Fox Companion was used for 3200 Lights of Simril in the Light of Simril Trader. Broom of TwilightThis chill mount can be purchased by the Star of Fortune Trader. Slugs Pertaining to PetsAlugs can be purchased for 350 Lights of Simril in the Simril Store. Several earlier years Star of Fortune items were moved to the Zen Market. The winter flies, the frozen worm, and the frozen flora.