After spending the entire 2014 CDL season with the French Legion, the Australian turned down a competitive opportunity with Call of Duty to develop his knowledge of the game. Denz is well known as one of the most successful co-owners of Asia Pacific. He represented Mindfreak for three Call of Duty titles before moving to North America in 2018 to join Team Reciprocity, where he played alongside Tommey, Seany, Alexx, Zed, Wuskin, and Dylan. Welcome the General Manager of the new Boston @CODLeague team @DenzJT! We appreciate Denz’s analytical approach and we’re sure that he’ll help us get ahead of our doors into CDL. Oxygen Esports (@OXG) December 16, 2021 During his time at Reciprocity, Denz and crew earned an appearance in the Call of Duty Pro League in 2019 after placing second in their group in the champion’s class. Although they’re bottom-eight overall in the season, they’re in the fourth place at the CWL Pro League Playoffs. Denz played six Call of Duty Championships from 2014 to 2019 in the final year before tidied league began. He earned a top-six place with Reciprocity at CoD Champs. A lot of excitement and excitement would be the kind of excited announcement I’d be the general manager of the new Boston @CODLeague team. The people create this amazing opportunity with @OXG_Esports. I want to share this journey with you, and I appreciate all your support. Denz (@DenzJT) December 16, 2021 Oxygen Esports has confirmed the acquisition of the Boston CDL franchise and that it’s also going to operate the Overwatch Leagues Boston Uprising. Both franchises belong to the Kraft Group, founded by New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft. The organization tweeted a brand teaser for today’s unnamed Call of Duty League team. The short video ended with a message that said security breach, and a lot of people speculated that the new franchise could be called the Boston Breach. Oxygen Esports (@OxG) December 16 2021 The oscars roster for Boston CDL is not yet announced. The 2022 Call of Duty League season will begin on Feb. 4.