In an email sent to the purchaser, it was confirmed that the system wouldn’t make its 2021 date. While many buyers were waiting for 2022, initial buys who got in early had planned on getting the play date in late 2021. Since there was limited information back then, it wasn’t so surprised. According to Panic the issue is caused by a battery issue where many units were in unable to charge and drive on. They decided to replace the batteries in all the units. The problem of the global chip shortage, which makes it hard for others to take advantage of, is also a factor for a number of other platform holders. The Playdate 2021 pre-orders sold out for a limited time, but now they will have to wait for a few seconds to see how the little handheld fares in 2022. Pre-orders that happened afterward are still slated for the second half of 2022 and groups after 50,000 units in 2023.