In Patch 11.24b, Riot Phlox outlined some of the targets of the update, including several champions that will have some buffs. Almost all the picks in the notes have been premiums in the solo queue and the competitive scene, and in the near future, they could see even more playing time. This is a short story. This isn’t a big-game Wednesday. It’s the last one of the years! We are definitely getting some more changes on our radar than the ones in this patch, but those will be for 12.4. next year. Phlox (@RiotPhlox) December 14, 2021. For example, both KaiSa and Varus are getting some adjustments after being two of the most contested options on the lower lane. KaiSa took the world’s highest pick-ban presence on season 11 at 50 percent. According to the statistics collected by Games of Legends, she was among the most-played pros with a whopping 2,589 games. Varus came second in the ADC with a 3-4% pick-ban rate. He doesn’t have any such effect as KaiSa, but he’s still very strong on the pro scene and on the ranked ladder. Some people may not enjoy seeing Olaf on the buff list, since he is a threat all year long for the players and casual players alike. Many have felt the wrath of the angry barbarian on stage, and as a result, he was the ninth-most banned champion this year, according to His quick jungling, his skirmishing power and the ability to ignore crowd control in subsequent teamfights made him an easy pick for any jungler. Gwen – one of League’s newest champions – saw a lot of attention right from the start, thanks to her simple yet powerful design. Most teams didn’t want to deal with her huge burst damage and she got up on her feet to avoid damage. She made the same thing as his great bulldozer that eliminated CC and all damage. She became the seventh of the highest banned champion in 2021, and now she managed to win 54 percent. Pyke eventually got his own head running out of the meta. He was played only 111 times in 2021, but still has good power. He can play well with a Bone Skewer, and make the game changing with his Phantom Undertow stun and sweep a teamfight with his ultimate ability. Don’t worry too much about any major buffs being sent out before we ring in the new year! Since this is a small undertaking, major changes should not be going on until the first true update next month. Just follow us onYouTube for more esports news and analyses.