A storyteller and a pros of League of Legends will soon join PUBG Mobile to play as familiar characters, but in a different setting. In the Mirror World Duel, former League runners Doublelift and Sneaky will lead a team to battle for victory. After all, retired pros are able to face each other again; this time, they’ll face each other in a shamble. It will be shown on PUBG Mobiles YouTube and Facebook channels Dec. 17. The teams have its own type of teams:

Team Doublelift Doublelifter (evident league pro) Tyler (1) (League content creator) Xifan (Motornal software for Nova Esports) is (PUBG mobile for mobiles) for the mobile device. Rolexxx (PUBG Mobile content creator) Team Sneaky Sneaky (Former League pro) Yassuo (Damans, Linux). Karnage (PUBG Mobile Pro) is a mobile phone. Jacob Gaming (PUBG Mobile Content Creator)

The teams will go onto Erangels floating Mirror World to select a League of Legends character. They can choose between Vi, Caitlyn, Jinx and Jayce. Here’s the first of the Arcanes season. They will battle on the Mirror World after rotating to the rest of the map to get the chicken dinner. Each team has three goals to decide the winner. Apart from these two teams, the lobby will be filled with 72 other popular PUBG mobile content creators.