Because of the material shortages, materials aren’t reaching our manufacturing facilities in time for us to meet our initial launch date, as long as we update our build estimates, steam deck will begin shipping in February 2022. The delay isn’t completely unexpected, nor inexcusable, if it were still in the middle of a pandemic. Considering the fact that it is updated, it’s only a commitment, but also a commitment that is still a cast-iron undertaking. Even though Valve is trying to avoid this, then there might be further delays. If you ordered one pre-ordered and got warned that you’d have to wait till Q22022, your order will be pushed back as well, but we’ll know how long your place will be in the queue. The deposit is five dollars, so bet you should not out the 399- $649 price for that final amount if the device goes out. When you want to know the truth, take a look at what the steam deck will do. Although still, at least the delay in Steam Decks will free up people to hunt down the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X frantically.