As well as showcasing the video games that you had spent most of the time with Steam Replay 2022, it’ll also show some interesting data. Many users can find out the number of successful games unlocked, the volume of new titles tested, the time occupied by controllers and mouse, the number of games played and the month that they have been for the longest time. online. If you want to discover this interesting information, follow some simple steps. First off, you need to visit the address next to the following and log in with your Steam credentials. Once you have logged in, it will be possible to retrace your 2022 by way of a summary image on Steam that will help you share the results of the retrace with your friends, thanks to a picture for this purpose. From the first results published on the web it seems that even in this year the users have enjoyed the neo-game of the year Elden Ring very much. This will make it a reality for the program’s latest effort. However, the title is included in most of these recaps, unless it is used on the hardware. Eventually, while still on Steam, we noticed that the game’s highest positive score was that of Survivors. The Poncle-developed title has impressed Phil Spencer. The PlayStation and Nintendo are producing the other acoustic recaps. For Microsoft and Xbox users, there’s an unofficial solution. But now, that is your word. Tell us, have you already seen your own Stem Replay? Source: Frogs and blood.