“Emulsifide” posted the release notes for the 2021.44.25 software update to the company’s subreddit on Dec. 20. This release also has an app launcher, an update to the blind spot camera, and more. That includes “simplified controls” for the in-dash system’s user interface. The release notes say that means that the display was streamlined to focus on navigation, media and primary control. This should help the driver keep their eyes on the road. The most useful, but funupdate is the expansion of Light Mode to all Tesla vehicles. The release notes say Light Show, which can be found in Toybox’s Entertainment app, makes a Tesla “dance to a choreographed light show” on command. Electrek reports that a feature originally appeared in the Tesla Model X in 2015 as an Easter egg. Now it seems that the electric car maker has a full lineup of cars or at least it will be in its new day of the software update to all Tesla owners.