In a series like The Those who Are Treasured, in the Odyssey, the storyline of Kassandra will debut after a 1,000-year battle against boredom. She rests (literally) on her laurels drinking wine and gazing at the stars. Some old friends will go to visit, but she’ll embark on a journey to hunt a specific Isu artifact that could change the world. In Valhalla, the story is titled The Fateful Encounter. In that case the story has been summed up as the tale said: Mood and Eivor meet each other and their fierce tempers and egos bring to the forefront. Both will try to get around and talk about things. After this first story, Ubisoft announced the massive expansion of the Dawn of Ragnarok which will take place on the doorstep in Valhalla in 2022. According to the dev team, it has 35 hours of story content. Developed by Ubisoft Sofia (the studio behind Assassins Creed Rogue and Assassins Creed Origins The Curse of the Pharaohs), Dawn of Ragnarok is focused exclusively on Odin (aka Havi), and is set to the end of the previous campaign. This new adventure puts the god on the way to save his son, Baldr, held captive by the fire giant Surtr, in the dwarven realm of Svartalfheim a mythical new world about half the size of England. Svartalfheim has become a hostile, lava-filled landscape patrolled by flame-wielding enemies, some of whom can do something like revive their fallen comrades. Odin has to find hidden shelters throughout the world and seek help from the dwarves who have found refuge in them. See the Assassinscraed official site for more information.