The weapons are always the most exciting parts of any call of duty game. They are not without attachments. Therefore, players want to get their favorite guns to level up as fast as possible. However, with every weapon taking hours to complete, you should know the fastest way to earn Weapon XP. Fortunately, JGOD has all the answers to your Vanguard Weapon XP and level-up questions. However, do check out every weapon from Call of Duty. Activision

Fastest Way to level up Armors in Duty Multiplayer.

Call of Duty Vanguard has many weapons for players to grind, and also all weapons as well as challenges. With Vanguard Multiplayer, you can get enough weapons. FIrstly, JGOD recommends to investigate all the operators and to check their progress. This is because of the new operator system in Vanguard, each has a favorite weapon that you can get when you level them up. Second, JGOD recommends you play the game you enjoy the most. This is because you’ll get more XP when you get more kills. Finalize, using Hardcore games makes getting kills and XP more efficient. You can also choose the Blitz Combat Pacing to increase the number of players and thus the number of kills in your games, to boost your Vanguard weapons by more quickly setting up. Read, however, How Do XP Tokens transfer over from the Cold War & the Warzone? Activision

The Zombies Weapon has A No. XP a point of destruction in the first half.

Many Call of Duty fans expressed immediate regret in the Vanguard Zombies in the beginning. Unfortunately, the weapons you earn in the game mode aren’t all that good. According to JGOD, you get only 12 Weapon XP per zombie you kill. It means you can kill 12 000 zombies in Vanguard for a weapon. JGOD hopes there’s a solution to this extremely inefficient way of leveling weapons. However, there’s no guarantee that the Sledgehammer Games will ever change this. To begin, we want to see all the latest news on the vanguard launch day.

Call of Duty Vanguard: All Killstreaks were Revealed. Call of Duty — All Multiplayer Perks Revealed: Proverbial Remarkable.