The story follows Ryo Takamori, a second-year-old student who one day saves a girl from sexual harassment on the crowded train. Ryo thinks not that he is happy to have protected someone from harm, but later this day he realises that his little girl is in his class and even sits beside him. Moreover, she’s also his childhood friend, Hina Fushimi, whom she hadn’t spoken to since middle school. Although Ryo saved him, Hina seems eager to talk again. In the first few chapters, we realized two things: 1) He fell in love with Ryo since they were little and 2) They stopped talking because of a misunderstanding. I was trying to get Ryo to get used to in my school, so I asked her what she looks for in a potential girlfriend. To be a bit embarrassed, Ryo was using the name Hina with which she was sorced, who overheard and hit with. The two quickly fell apart and when he came to high school, they’ve remained separated from Hina, the favorite girl of all time, and Ryo faded into the background with no real friends to speak about. Since they were reunited since the train incident, everything was almost as if it had never changed. The two joke around, go home together, and text from time to time when they aren’t together. Ryo’s confused a lot of attention suddenly he gets from Hina and wonders whether she has feelings for her, then recollectioning those thoughts a little. For Hinas part, she is very interested in Ryo, and while still her love is growing, she struggles to tell her he is so good, or maybe he will never let things go on. A big part of a book, this one is a beautiful slice of life and that is where one is watching two of them spend time with each other.The Girl I saved-started life is a web novel with short chapters that range from 5 to 10 pages in length and just enough for a snapping interaction and for a scene change here and there. The short nature does the series favour because it means it makes us untied to the extreme and, even if it is heavier, opportunity is appreciated. I like the fact that although Ryo is dense and doesn’t understand Hinas feelings, there isn’t going to be a book in between as soon as this volume ends. I can put into control how I like it. I concede that without progress, I was almost ready to go after the series because there are no particularly compelling reasons for not going along with it. It’s fun, but it’s not all that original. The author of the trilogy is Kennoji, the one who readers may recognise because of the aptness of the Guildmember with a Worthless Skill – The Legendary AssassinandDrugstore In another World – The Slow Life of a Cheat Pharmacist.I am very familiar with either of two series, but whoever who you are, is absolutely different when it comes to the personalities and how the characters are written. That doesn’t mean that this one is an immediate write-off, so even if you’re not a fan of the other works. Of course, as a dense protagonist leads your nerves, it’s the whole way around. One of the things that are caught onto the eye is the series illustrating by Fly, who also illustrates Bottom-tier Character Tomozakiand is able to do the artwork forChasing After Aoi Koshiba. This artist has a lot of wonderful images and gives you an incredible picture of life in every part of your life. The character schemes are fairly similar to those in Flys other works, but I think they’re just different enough to prevent the lookalikes I always remember when it comes to the painting whose art is always handing together a number of works in a dy genre. What did you tell me about : The Girl who slashed the train turn out to be a little girl’s FriendVolume 1 comes to the West thanks to Yen Press and was translated to Sergio Avila. A translation with good quality, although it could be done with another proofreading since there were a couple of errors in the translation; nothing, but surely even noticeable. The series is currently being conducted in Japan at five volumes. Yen Press have two volumes scheduled to make its debut in April 2022. To be honest,A girl I had a walk up on the train turned out to be my Childhood Friendis a fine read that narrowly avoided being shelved for the long term. If youre tired of very many main characters without knowing how they feel, then give this one a miss; otherwise, it is a rather good story.