But, as adorable its design is, its remains haven’t solved any manufacturing issues yet. In general, as in the Steam Deck, there is no shortage. The playdates matter is the battery, rather than part of the device. Our first 5000 Playdate units arrived in California for 2021, so we started to test some of them. We quickly became concerned that some of them didn’t give us the battery life we expected, read an article about Panic, creator of the Playdate. You can read the full statement here, but in essence the battery life was insufficient and in some cases the Playdates refused to turn on. The company decided to replace the batteries and re-charged the batteries so that it would have been better able to ship back to the manufacturer 5,000 units. They say the component problem was the main reason of the day. Even though the gamedate had already arrived this year, it would also have been early 2022. While this statement does not address any cancellations, there are certain rules on Playdate and can cancel your order to any time. Given the Playdates apparently popularity, Panic will see many cancellations, but the options are always there. The yellow console, however, isn’t in Santas sack.