Timelie first went on the Steam platform in May 2020. Here is a general overview of the game, via Urnique Studio and its Steam page: About A mysterious girl who can imagine and imagine past and future, trapped in a world with time and death in unpredictable ways. Cats, seemingly connected with the world, become their allies. Their connection is time and space, and only by teamwork they can enlighten the secrets behind where they are and why. Timeline allows you to jump backwards and forwards to uncover the mysteries of this surreal world. Eliminate enemies by planing actions parallel to a girl and a cat while reading on the future. Moreover, looking at future patterns will determine the fact that your actions are dangerous. Have you made an error? Just rewind and try again. The girl and the cat can escape all the time with teamwork. But she has time. Key Features

Players who plan on rewind with Timeline can control time of games like any media player. Drag left to rewind time to be able to remove your actions. Put the right corner to take the right to seek the future and gain the information to change your past. Single player Cooperative Plan actions for both of your characters simultaneously on timeline gives an interactive game, like never before. Abstract World Guides a lost girl and a companion cat in stunning, surreal, and abstract realms. Try to save time to uncover hidden secrets and keep them both home.

Watch the launch trailer for the Switch.