One of the major benefits of a new call of duty title is the opportunity to start the weapon camo grind a new one. Even though many players don’t care about the cosmetic unlocks, fans turn to the machine to do this by way of removing weapon camos. As it turns out, doing so will unlock some pretty exclusive appearances in-game for your weapon. And what better way is showing you your skills to others in multiplayer? Unfortunately, all grinds seem to be worth the effort. A lot of fans enjoy the new green Dark Aether weapon camo. Activision All those on the grind, here’s the armor and fights to complete. But it seems that not all weapon camos are being freed in Vanguard right now.

Vanguard STG44& M1 Garand Weapon Camos Not Unlocking.

It appears that the STG44 and M1 Garand are currently bugged, the Vanguard players aren’t able to unlock or continue with their weapon camos. There is nothing more disappointing than playing Multiplayer for a few hours, until the entire time it went without you restraining yourself. Now it seems that select weapons aren’t progressing their camo unlocks, even though players complete the necessary challenges. It seems that the STG44 and M1 Garand are two guns particularly affected by the problem. Perhaps those weapons are primarily due to the fact that these weapons are among the Vanguard weapons that arrive in Warzone early and are the ones who had problems. Activision Of course, this is what you’re going to expect. There are a lot of chivallots in the Cold War last year. Unfortunately, this means that there aren’t much we can do, but wait and see how long it takes Sledgehammer Games to get a fix. Now, make sure that youre using the best Vanguards settings to dominate the competition! And it is also possible that you can quickly get some Vanguard weapons, while you wait for it to resolve itself. My SDS can’t progress on Eliminations and Headshot can’t. My friend also says his 10 attachment camos are not tracking too far @SHGames #Vanguard Big Mike (@BigMikeMW) November 5, 2021 At least the Multiplayer experience has been really good yet. After all, the Vanguards Zombies mode is massively a disappointment for players!