Call of Duty: Vanguard launched today, with certain outlets getting their reviews in early form for the exam. Finally the first look at Call of Duty: Vanguard suggests it’s with a lacklustre campaign, but delivers a high multiplayer outing and a good Zombies mode. EuroGamer shared that while the campaign is full of fun, there isn’t really any point in the Vanguard campaign we didn’t see in Call Of Duty before. As for the IGNs campaign, the list of missions is in a very strong sense, not spectacular. That story, a reviewer says is a poor one. Gamespot adds that the campaign doesn’t really capture the feeling of fighting over the world or as different characters all the time. Call of Duty Vanguard. Credit: Activision. On the other hand, many outlets have praised the campaign for addressing racism and prejudice. PCGamesNs Ian Boudreau commended the campaign for the show that their villains were disgusting racists. Boudreau appreciated a stripped-back Zombies mode and some interesting new modes in multiplayer, though again we forget that there aren’t many surprises to find when you have already played Modern War or Black Ops. Similarly, an article from the Zoos game mode says that Vanguard is poisoned to crush zombies on a spectacular road. That sums up that despite a weak campaign multiplayer and zombies carry title to victory. NME is still putting on a game, though this page will be updated once the rest of the review is live. In other news, one devious player in Stardew Valley found a way to attack Jojamart with no slime.