It was a whirlwind of years for Activision. Warzone, originally only a mode of modern Warfare, became a worldwide phenomenon, and somehow broke the Call of Duty cycle. Although COD games only ever get support for one year before developers move on, Warzone is still round and kicking to today. That game was totally overhauled from the Warzone map, almost two years later. But that’s not like many Call of Duty titles, Warzone is without its fair share of issues. In fact, it’s fair to say Warzone is completely in some ways broken, and feels set together by a few lines of code in some places. Activision For example, players are falling under Caldera maps. And with the new Krampus update, Warzone is one of the most vulnerable users. There is no surprise that Warzone fans have been spending money on the software version.

Should Warzone Pacific acquire a new developer?

Fans call for Raven Softwares to become the primary developer of Warzone. Players who played Warzone nearby may recognize that the game is being developed by Infinity Ward, developer of Modern Warfare. Nevertheless, Raven Software has been around for quite some time now, at least since the Cold War integration. And because Warzone is feeling more broken than ever before, fans are not happy with their efforts. I don’t have anyone else, but objectively the game has lost quality, writes StomachFunny2860 user. The fact that three different companies release a new game is leading to that. I think that The Infinity Ward will look after Warzone. The user isn’t the only one who wants the return of Infinity Ward, but the studio is too busy now to return. Activision And it’s worth noting that Raven Software isn’t the only team who works on Warzone now. Several Activision side studios are helping with the Battle Royale, and a change is coming. Raven has been more vocal to fans than ever before, and warzone cheaters have become a part of the past! This popular Warzone feature becomes a hit after days of waiting. Big nerfs will come and carry weapons to the Pacific War zone too. Be respectful and honest, but would you rather have Warzone handled by a different studio than Raven? from CODWarzone? But many fans won’t be happy until the FOV slider arrives in Warzone. Perhaps Raven Software’s opinion is changing, if the developer can deliver that popular request.