It is divided into three parts. First is a bit of showboating by Epic. This is a cinematic opening that plays the extremely expensive game of disgrace. With the talents of Matrix stars Keanu Reeves and Carrie Anne-Moss, it splits the actual footage and the unreal 5 counterparts. It’s very obvious the intention is that Epic wants to show how realistic their characters are in the engine. That is impressive, even though not completely foolproof. There were no obvious differences in the Matrix yet, but you could easily see them easily. The Matrix was quite an issue now so you were able to get rid of it and nod your head. We were on a bad side when we worked to replicate younger versions of the actors. Perhaps because Epic only have a tiny 1999 film to work from, that younger versions of these actors have a lizard-like sheen to their skin and the old wonky lip syndrome that plagues many of these waxworks. It was a step behind several recent attempts to do the same, but not by much. The third of The Matrix Awakens is a shipyard-trailer. It’s so important to do this. Youre trying to get over your shoulder while he’s in the house and on your way to a car seat. You don’t control your car, and you don’t even control your reticule, you are firing at wheels and characters, locked on them as you do. If our lives were unkind, it’s like a wheelshooting simulator, which isn’t a fantasy we needed satisfying. That would go unnoticed. This is a light interaction as an excuse to show the Unreal 5s’ ability to handle action moving on from the glossy character shots in the blinding white of The Matrixs lobby. The act is stupid. Because the Matrix explosions are a nuisance and the deformation of some of the environment, like collapsing bridges, it sounds real and believable. It is an adrenaline-fuelling little section that draws tension to the ground just because you are marvelling at the action, when you have to be a part of it. It’s quite distracting. The real killer app of The Matrix Awakens is neither the first nor the third of the game. The final moments of the demo are what it requires. By inspiring demonstrations of the incredible inventions of Unreal 5s such as AI, pixel rendering and lighting, a diorama of the ability to turn off and on the elements utilizing the touch of the button, you are eventually put into a fabricated city where things become real. More or less, real. Upon arrival, you may see a smuggler who can take a call, but this is the city that blows you away. This is a huge expanse for you to explore a city that’s easily big enough to host a fair time game. If you like us, you’ll move the drone to the far corner of the map so you can see whats there. The city is in a large part surrounded by water, but there are enough unique characteristics that make it difficult to decide how that was done. Is this a Google Earth-like feature or something similar? Even in content creation, it’s impressive. Discreeted about the city are plaques that expose the efforts that has been taking place. With a bar and a fudge, it takes up to two to four minutes. With an instant feed of all the data stored in the background, you can make real-time adjustments, visual and sound effects of the fly and see them play out near-immediately in the city. It’s a hell of a tinker toy and shows how much marvel of another planet is. It can make cities big in seconds, and in the face of bigger, open world titles, is clear. It isn’t all perfect. When you move quickly with the drone, the environment is struggling to keep up. The roads on balconies are blurry and contortic. The sun can look like a solar system. With the eye closed, the city is almost completely separating from the real city. This toolset could be used as a Watch Dog, Spider-man or Infamous tool. You can’t think of the potential as you enjoy the second tenth of The Matrix Awakens. Time is going to tell if this is considered a milestone demo, but the initial read is that it could absolutely be. This city that you could easily find that is almost a cliff. We think it is something that it will be remembered for. If you have a next gen platform, or, at least, the Matrix, then we would encourage you to open up the game with that link. The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine 5 Experience is downloaded on the Xbox Store for free now. What did you think about the Matrix Awakens and the Unreal Engine 5? Please comment, and post us what we will say.