We aren’t looking for your top OG title, either, but rather for the game you enjoyed most in the past 20 years. Answers to our team:

Carl Jones: Star Wars: Romans of the Old Republic. Patrick orourke: Halo 2. Jon Lamont: Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. Brad Bennett: Reach. Dean Daley: History: Skyrim.

Karan Oberoi is a hardcore PlayStation loyalist and hasn’t appeared to play a game on an Xbox platform (wasn’t sure how that is possible). While I selected Skyrim, I could easily go with Kingdoms of Amalur, Halo 3, Halo 3: Reach, Halo 4,Dragon Age: Inquisition, Fable 3 or CFable 3. In the comments below let us know your favorite game you played on your Xbox console.