As an increase in privacy and security, we’re making it harder for people you don’t know to rely on to betainfo’s last slick message. “We slammed people who didn’t chat or have to follow your last date on WhatsApp,” said a company support message. The company said that the messages were followed by shares with Twitter and then spread. The update isn’t intended to affect personal or business affairs such as your family, friends or businesses. Before, users used to dig in their settings to hide such an activity from strangers. This feature is now WhatsApp’s default. You can still still find out who can see when you were last online. Use Settings and Control & Control & Control To Address “Everyone” or “No one.” The previously reported ‘My Contacts Except’ function appears to be no option. Privacy became the most important thing in the WhatsApp’s 2021 list. The company introduced a new policy in early this year – in spite of poor communication -, which led to a backlash about how much personal data is shared with Facebook. WhatsApp began to limit features for those who don’t accept, but promised that nobody’s account would be deleted. In October, the company introduced end-to-end encrypted backups, which can be secured using a password or 64-digit encryption key. And last week we added the option to make the system default for missing messages. The time range includes 24 hours, a week or 90 days.