Shipments are back to one of the most respected call-of-duty games of all time. Since taking the role of Call of Duty four: Modern Warfare, fans have noticed several iterations on the classic map. The most recent movie in the year before the call of duty: Modern War. This time, Shipment got the treaty of World War II. Of course, you’ll encounter the natural chaos that enlightened the map. If you thought Das Haus was pure mayhem, wait until you are ready to play your first Vanguard Shipment match. It is a good idea that the wait is long. The players from the Vanguard will have a charge on November 17th. This item, Shipment will be equipped with destructible containers. The light brown container on the map is compatible with the destructible environment mechanic of Vanguard and introduced it into the franchise.

This map is very well-crafted, so great action. If Shipment is accessible through Combat Pacing, keep an eye out for the flurry of bullets that will occur with Blitz. You should also expect a 7-day Shipment playlist, filled with multiple modes. The ability to easily experience the new map on a single-player platform, often with a playlist of all 24 hours. If you want to grind some weapons, Shipment is definitely a must-play. March 17, the week will bring the shipment to #vanguard. CharlieIntel (@charlieINTEL) November 14, 2021. In addition to Shipment, we hope to continue to buy classic maps. A visit to Vanguard became a major attraction on November 5. The only map that makes a return is called Call of Duty.

Though well-designed original maps are required for a new Call of Duty title, bringing back iconic maps will surely inspire long-time fans of the franchise. London Docks is a particular map fans crave for to experience once again.