(Image’s credit: Xbox Game Studios). The Casa Bella house forza is in Forza Horizon 5. The latest Forza instalment has many photo challenges to complete. One tasked you with searching the map for the Star 27 mural, and taking a photo with a sports car, but the photos challenge Casa Bella is thankfully a little easier. There are many houses that can be found on Forza’s Mexican map, and thus, they can be used in a fast way. Barn Finds is here yet! You can take this guide along with your adventures to the challenge of the Casa Bella. Here’s the Forza Horizon 5 Casa Bella location.
Forza Horizon 5 Casa Bella, where can I make the photo challenge?
The photo challenge called Casa Bella requires you to take a photo of a car parked outside the house in question. It’s easy enough,so you know where to find the house. The Casa Bella house is located in the Baja California neighborhood, and is a few miles north of Mulege. It is the first one you’ll get from this campaign. It’s free, so don’t worry about forking out your hard earned CR for it. If you’re unsure on the map, just filter the house to show. The map below may help you find his location. It’s a small house, so it’s easy to miss it. Look out for the narrow pink building and park up front, ready to take the shot. Enter photo mode, look at it relivelessly making sure the car’s in the picture. With the challenge finished, you will get the Forza Link Phrase – ‘Welcome to Mexico’.