Queen of Philosophy tries to impose light on some characters they want to be characters in Hades 2. Virtua Kazuma writes about the importance of telephotography to keep theVirtua fighterscene alive. Lord Spencer continues hisMega Man series retrospective blog with this blog onMega Man X2. TheBlondeBass keeps records in this blog with each player to establish his progress in his game. PhilsPhindingssiscussse the similarities between the soundtrack of Final Fantasy VII and soul/gospel music. PhilsPhindingsdiscusses the similarities between the soundtrack of Final Fantasy IXand traditional Irish music. The Amazing Shenazin reads to posting in Dtoid after a long hiatus. Beatlemaniaxxgoes over everything they read or watched this year. ChronoLynxxopens this week TGIF community thread for random discussion. Thanks for the blogs this week, folks! When you like the HOT TAKE party, look up the Cblog section. Think about all things gaming. Remark this next week’s here front page.