(Image credit: the future) After the switch to Windows 11 on your laptop, he seems to be subject to a battery shenanigan. One user’s Windows 11 laptop has finally reached the original tenth point of the battery mark – and thus set a new standard for all laptops around the world. Rejoice, we’re now living in an age of multi-slots of energy. Zondax’s first post came after they discovered this in the battery tooltip of their system tray, while playing a humble game of Old School Runescape: “Right status: fully charged 103%). Two hours later, OP added an updated picture that showed that it reached 104%. Commenters call it “Firestarter Edition” and warning OPs to turn away slowly since they accidentally created a bomb. Of course, it’s a bug, isn’t a feature. We can assume that the model laptop isn’t likely the launch version. To be honest, it’s a darn website, more so than usual. However, when it comes to battery life, there’s a huge difference between the original and the standard complaints, that we see saturating the web around Windows 11 bugs. The most expensive gaming chair? The top gaming chairs all around. The best gaming table: the best laptop podiums. PCs like one who can sit back, relax and enjoy the game. The majority think about such issues as the lack of batteries that can charge over a certain level, big damage in battery life or the lack of display of a new battery since upgrading to Windows 11. People like to take clean ISO because you’re experiencing problems such as this, and instead of upgrade option, which can sometimes cause problems. I have to admit that the issue with Zondax’s laptop has been just one bad read on battery life. So the fact that the OP went silent just a bit before their second post is very worrying.